
,2020年12月9日—Graphocentrism.Thebiasinwhichwritingisprivilegedoverspeechhasbeencalledgraphocentrismorscriptism.Inmanyliteratecultures,text ...,中文摘要.漢字是世界語言書寫文字中,為相當獨特的表意文字,其它文字...本文將漢文化思惟特色稱為書寫中心主義(graphocentrism),其內涵包括漢文化傳統之特色與限制。,Graphocentrismorscriptismisatypicallyunconsciousinterpretativebiasinwhichwritingisprivilegedo...

Biases of the Ear and Eye

2020年12月9日 — Graphocentrism. The bias in which writing is privileged over speech has been called graphocentrism or scriptism. In many literate cultures, text ...

後書寫中心主義的藝術解構及其對課程與教學的哲學反思, ...

中文摘要. 漢字是世界語言書寫文字中,為相當獨特的表意文字,其它文字 ... 本文將漢文化思惟特色稱為書寫中心主義(graphocentrism),其內涵包括漢文化傳統之特色與限制。


Graphocentrism or scriptism is a typically unconscious interpretative bias in which writing is privileged over speech. Biases in favour of the written or ...

Graphocentrism: Most Up-to

Letter-centrism or letter-centrism is a commonly unconscious interpretive bias that privileges the written word over the spoken word.


由 洪如玉 著作 · 2018 — ... (graphocentrism),其內涵包括漢文化傳統之特色與限制。然而,漢字文化本身也蘊含著跳脫漢字思維的潛能,本文稱為後書寫中心主義(post-graphocentrism) ... means not only ...

What does graphocentrism mean

Graphocentrism or scriptism is a typically unconscious interpretative bias in which writing is privileged over speech. Biases in favor of the written or ...


Graphocentrism or scriptism is a typically unconscious interpretative bias in which writing is privileged over speech. Biases in favor of the written or ...


focus on written language as 'best' language.

The Artistic Deconstruction of Post

As a unique writing system, the. Chinese language form implies rich meanings for cultural and educational purposes. ... graphocentrism. In conclusion, there are ...